Creative Direction
Art Direction
In 1974, eleven women made history.
They were the first to be ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church, a major milestone in the struggle for women‘s ordination.
Despite facing fierce opposition and backlash, they courageously broke down barriers with grace and were true to themselves in the process. This story is about standing up to institutions that do not allow all people to be who they are called to be.
Philadelphia Eleven
Creative & Art Direction, Design
In 1977, eleven women made history.
They were the first to be ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church, a major milestone in the struggle for women‘s ordination.
Despite facing fierce opposition and backlash, they courageously broke down barriers with grace and were true to themselves in the process. This story is about standing up to institutions that do not allow all people to be who they are called to be.
This documentary chronicles their journey and celebrates the triumph of their courage and conviction.
It is a testament to the power of faith and determination to overcome prejudice and injustice.
Our task was to craft an introduction that accurately sets the tone for the documentary and captures the magnitude of these women within the first few minutes of the film.
We devised an art direction approach that emphasizes the project’s archival material.
We employed a visual approach that lies between a collage and a collection of documents to combine the various sources of material.
This strategy enabled us to craft a distinctive and effective visual identity for the project.
Many of the original documents demonstrate a strong resistance to the ordination of women among some Episcopal priests.
This resistance was based on their interpretation of scripture and the conviction that the role of priest should be held by men.

Visual Development Frames
Creative Director
Diego Coutinho
Bruna Imai
Time travel Production
Bruna Imai
Diego Coutinho
Diego Coutinho
Bruna Imai